Garmin G1000 Glass Cockpit Flight Training
Most Advanced, Integrated Flightdeck Available!
Advantage Aviation has twelve Garmin G1000 equipped aircraft in our fleet. Seven Cessna 172SP’s, three Cessna 182’s, one Mooney Acclaim and one Cessna Corvalis. The G1000’s revolutionary design brings new levels of situational awareness, simplicity and safety to the cockpit. It puts a wealth of flight-critical data at your fingertips. The G1000 flightdeck presents flight instrumentation, navigation, weather, terrain, traffic and engine data on large-format, high-resolution displays. For the more advanced pilot we offer a 2008 Turbo Cessna T-182T. This is the most advanced G1000 yet. The WAAS capable GPS allows you to shoot a LPV approach. It has the new integrated autopilot, TAWS B, XM weather link, chart view and recently added Synthetic Vision (SVT).
Garmin’s SVT brings an unprecedented level of integration and awareness to pilots of G1000-equipped aircraft. SVT transforms the cockpit by accurately displaying synthetic terrain, flight hazards, flight path marker and highway-in-the-sky on the PFD so that the pilot maintains excellent airborne situational awareness even when flying in conditions of reduced visibility or darkness. This results in reduced pilot workload and safer flying.
Our full featured desktop flight training simulator is the ideal solution for your flight training needs. The MFD-MD replicates a technically advanced aircraft (TAA) and comes equipped with Garmin’s G1000 avionics suite, including the GFC700 Autopilot and GMA1347 Com Panel. Our simulator will provide you with a true “hands on” training experience when transitioning to (or maintaining currency in) a G1000 equipped aircraft. It is an ideal and cost effective way to help you accomplish your instrument rating. Simply put, our G1000 simulator is the perfect solution for your flight training requirements.
FAA-approved for:
- Logged Flight Experience – 61.51(b)(3)
- Instrument Experience – 61.57(c)(1)
- Instrument Proficiency Check – 61.57(d)(1)(ii)
- Instrument Rating: Practical Test – 61.65(a)(8)
- Instrument Rating: maximum 20 hours – 61.65(e)(2)
- Private Pilot Certificate: maximum 2.5 hours – 61.109(k)(1)
- Commercial Certificate: maximum 50 hours – 61.129(i)(1)
- Airline Transport Pilot Certificate: maximum 25 hours – 61.159(a)(3)(i)
- Approved For Use as Limited by Part 141 Appendices – 141.41(b) (c)